Movement Control Order Guide: Tips for Self Care

We are now in timeout. So how do we proceed to reset? Each of us can take this pause to strengthen ourselves while replenishing our bodies, minds, and spirits. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed by it all, be reassured that this is a very normal response. BAZAAR put together a guide to self-care activities that you can do from home. They’ll help make these uncertain times more bearable and give you a sense of control.

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TedTalks has curated a list to help provide some perspective during the pandemic.

Here’s where to start: look out for public health expert David Heymann answers 11 questions about the novel coronavirus. Too many of us deal with common psychological-health issues on our own, says Guy Winch. But we don’t have to. He makes a compelling case to practise emotional hygiene—taking care of our emotions, with the same diligence we take care of our bodies. Elsewhere, infectious disease expert Adam Kucharsku provides necessary perspective on this virus transmission, how governments have responded, and what might need to change about our social behavior to end the pandemic. These ideas can help us reflect and work through this time with a sense of responsibility, compassion, and wisdom. ⁣⁣

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